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Hello, and welcome to my proudest design to date. This unit has taken almost a year of my life to develop and has required every bit of CAD design and engineering knowledge to get this far. It was created for me and my sim, but it now works fully for PMDG or Prosim. This build is probably the most challenging, as some people find the programming and electronics very hard.


So many rolls of PLA have been used in R&D that the planet's gravitational pull has increased on this side of the world.


Thank you to all my Patreons who built, tested and helped aid the final product.


This unit features:


1) Automatic speed brake,

2) Automatic throttles, which can be overridden without damage to the stepper motors

3) Thrust reversers with Idle, 80% and max detents

4) working TOGA, AT disconnect, horn cutout, and stab trim cutout switches

5) Throttles must be in the ideal position to move the thrust reversers

6) Backlighting capable if required

7) The sturdiest and most realistic feel yet (even with power off, this makes for an amazing no motorised unit! The steppers act as damper and friction devices. The faster you move the more resistance is felt.

8) Full flap detents and the raise inadvertent stops

9) All pots and hall sensors are geared to achieve full travel movement

10) Fully operational trim wheels (they are a little slow right now, But working on it)


There are also a few things you need to know before purchase:


1) This product only contains the STL & CAD files to build the unit


3) You need a print bed of 300mm x 300mm minimum or purchase the Small printer mod where the parts are split to fit on a print bed size of 220 x 220mm. That can be found here:

4) This unit is sturdy and works amazingly without power. In fact, it puts the V3 737 throttle to shame.

5) It uses PROSIM 737 as the controlling software

6) PMDG and P3D have been tested and proved to work by my Patreons but not supported by myself.

7) The build guide has taken just as long to perfect as the build itself.

8) The case structure makes the build simple and easy to maintain and is the design's complexity. All you need to do is push print!

9) Both filament and resin STLs are available


The Build/Print & Parts guide can be found here:



Enjoy! This is one cool project if it's motorised or not!

Best wishes Karl



  1. Where is the build guide empty? Please start at build guide one and work through to build guide 5.
  2. Do I need Prosim to make this work? No, a PMDG build guide has now been successfully uploaded and tested by many.


737 Motorised Throttle Unit (MTU) V5 & CAD

    Pilot Spanner.jpg

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