This is the first design from the 737SS to return to the full-size 737.
This version has come about after years of redesign to achieve the final product. The Perspex screen has been removed, and a recess has been added so that the screen frame protrudes through the MIP and rests against the monitor giving a much better finish and look. This can be easily edited in the attached CAD to ensure correct depth protrusion.
The screen uses M4 brass inserts to enable the frame to be installed firmly so it can be removed in the future. The finish that can be obtained using a filament printer with a layer height of 0.12mm, wet sanding and applying high build primer is stunning.
This File includes the Fusion 360 CAD file for the MIP Screen Frames.
This can be used to adapt the design to suit your needs.
The external dimensions of the screen are 215mm Wide and 205mm High.
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