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This package supplements the physical product of the 737 MCP Korry, which can be found here.


This allows you to print these at home and edit the files in case you need to adjust the dimensions for your printer. These tolerances are tight due to the high resolution of my resin printer. These can be printed with a filament printer but do not perform or look as good as resin-printed parts. 


Once the parts are printed, the laser-etched lenses can be fitted into these units.


This Design now includes two version of the dual colour korry:


The non PCB version

The PCB version.


Please Note:

The package includes a single-design lens for those who want to print the lens with a filament printer. You must know Fusion to change the text on the lens to suit your needs if you wish to print a custom label or a set of MCP lenses.


737 MCP Korry CAD & STL

    Pilot Spanner.jpg

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