This is my design for the 737 Warning Panel fitted to the F/O & CPT Glarewings. The unit simply pushes into the 737DIYSIM Glarewings. It is fully operational with a push button (recall/cancel) and the design can be edited for your needs if required. From these designs, simply export STL for 3d printing or CNC machine using the manufacturing tab within fusion. You will need LEDs (yellow and red -5mm) and 12mm tactile switches with a round push button (all available from eBay very cheaply). This is based on the annunciator decals supplied by, but the file is included to create your own decals. The build of these can be seen on my Youtube channel.
The new mod can be found below to fit the warning packs to the v7 Glarewings:
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SKU: 737WPA19

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